Sunday, November 21, 2010

All Systems Go!

We are comfortably settled in at UCLA. Friday we were told that the transplant could be delayed for another week if Steve's finger was not better by Sunday. It was recommended that he soak his finger 3-5 times a day in warm salty water. I made sure he had a nice cup of warm salty water for his finger 5 times a day! And by Saturday night his finger was looking a lot better. But we still had to have someone look at it and give the final approval. So before we were admitted the lead oncologist came down to admissions and examined his finger. What a relief to hear we were good to go!

They are giving him the high dose chemo today and tomorrow. The first dose will start at 10pm tonight and take 2 hours to finish. Steve will be sucking on popsicles before, during and after. I learned from the various threads and blogs that chewing ice chips or eating popsicles helps to reduce the mucositis (a very unpleasant side effect of the cheme, mouth sores like you wouldn't believe). I've been told there is no "clinical" proof that this works, but I'd like to think that other's who have been through this might know what they are talking about. Besides it can't hurt to try!

Love, Deanna
AKA Mrs. "Liscom"

1 comment:

  1. Hi guys we are praying for you and if you need anything let us know.
    God Bless
    Jim and Peanut Johnston
