Sunday, January 6, 2013

Okay, Okay....I did Promise

Since my time and energy have not been needed as a full time caregiver, I have naturally allowed this blog to become a second thought, just like Steve's cancer. It is no longer in the forefront of my mind but somewhere lurking in the back ground, just like Steve's cancer.

Cancer is something that can consume your thoughts and your life. It takes up all your waking hours when you are in the midst of the battle. Now that Steve's cancer has been "reduced" we have not had to think so much about it. The only time I do is when it is time for his next check-up or when his Revlimid prescription needs to be filled. I can't speak for Steve on this.....but that is how its been for me.

I'm grateful to the Lord for this rest period. Life has been good, very good. By good, I mean Steve's health has improved so much and we haven't had to fill up our calendar with doctor appointments, lab tests, dealing with new chemo drugs, or even drugs to alleviate side effects from chemo. The list is endless. If we have to return to that life again I know we can get through it. The Lord had shown us we can.

Our calendar has been open! Open to planning small get aways, open to just relaxing and enjoying life. Open to visiting his son Dane, our new grandson and taking a trip to the Grand Canyon (more on this). It's a nice place to be.

But I'm sure you are wondering about Steve's cancer. Well, he still has it. It's just being suppressed by the Revlimid. One day it will reel its ugly head and the Revlimid will no longer work. His M-spike has plateaued and remains at 0.5. At least for the last 6 months. He energy level is good, except during the last week on the Revlimid when he tires more easily. He still gets cramps, mostly in his legs and hands and now he gets them in his neck, back, and behind his knees. There have been no other side effects or symptoms from the Myeloma. Praise God!

I'm sorry to say we have become one of those who obsess over their dog. We think he's the best, the nicest looking, the funniest. We talk about him all the time and take pictures of him. I never wanted to be like that....ugh! But I just can't help it. He really has been fun to have. He knows Steve as "Papa" and me as "Mama".

Steve and I went to see the Hoover Dam and the Grand Canyon in October. This was his first time there! Can you believe it. Over 60 years old and had never been to the Grand Canyon! It was my third visit. Of all the Lord's creations, I think the Grand Canyon is the most majestic. I feel so small and insignificant standing next to it. When looking across the canyon all I think about is how great God is!

This is one of my favorite pics. Beautiful! We had such a nice time. It was our first real vacation since his diagnosis. We ended our trip in Phoenix, visiting my mother and aunt.

Well I don't want to forget about those we know who are still in the "battle". Unfortunately we have lost one, John and have added some new ones. Please pray for John's wife Susie. Ask the Lord to comfort her as she grieves the loss of her husband. Those in the battle: Matt, Tim, Stephanie, Julie, Rosemary and Howard. Little Hayden and Haven are doing well! We are so thankful. Please keep them in your prayers along with Natalie and those you know who are ill.

Love always,

Mrs. L