Monday, August 13, 2012

Sorry, I Did Promise To Do Better

Steve has had two more appointments with his local oncologist and one with his transplant specialist since my last post. Hi M-spike has dropped twice since then. He is now at .5! We are very pleased with the results from the transplant and the medication he takes monthly, Revlimid.

And just when he was preparing to go back to work his company closed down. So he is now one of the millions of men and women who call themselves "retired". But he is not happy to keep this title. He would like to go back to work, part time. A few opportunities came his way but they didn't work out for various reasons. They all wanted him....its just he's able to be more picky about what he'll do and when he'll do it. What a wonderful position to be in.

Since he experienced a loss of all his hair and then discovered how "great" he looks with shorter hair, he has not gone back to the hairstyle he had for, let's say...... forever!  Just kidding.....I love him with hair, no hair or with more hair then me! At this point our grandson has longer hair then his Papa! Relatively speaking.

Since March we have been very busy with little projects around the house, ministry and enjoying life. Steve has become very active with our Evangelism ministry at our church. He has a wonderful way of talking to people about the Lord. It's so sad that there are so many people who do not know the Lord. I know our lives would be so empty without the relationship we have with God. As I study the bible, read commentaries written by scholarly men and have discussions with Steve about our faith, there is nothing this world can provide that could even come close to the comfort and joy I feel, the assurance I have in my salvation and the love of God the Father, Jesus my Savior and the Holy Spirit.

I also want to share a little about the people I have asked you to pray for. Hayden and Natalie are doing so much better, each in their own way. Hayden celebrated his 6th birthday and is once again able to live life normally. Please keep praying for Tim, John, Rosemary, Howard and add Julie and Matt to your list. Steve and I thank you for your prayers and support. May our Lord and Savior richly bless you and yours each and every day with the knowledge of His will, His protection and most importantly the assurance of your salvation.