Sunday, May 30, 2010

A Younger Steve

This is Steve when he was about 12. His family lived on 6th Avenue in Los Angeles. His dog Pepi was his companion for many, many years. Do any of you see any resemblance to the older Steve?

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Feeling Better and Doctor Update

Thank you to everyone who prayed for Steve. Sunday he was very sick. He developed a fever that went as high as 100.5. He also threw-up. I was worried about him taking the thalidomide and possible vomiting it up so I called the doctor. He said hold off taking the medicine and start the antibiotics. Come Monday morning Steve was feeling so much better. No fever, no getting sick and the body aches were gone!

Today we went for Steve's first follow-up since starting the new treatment. Dr. D. said Steve will continue on the MPT and begin the second cycle Friday (Whoo Hoo! Steroid Man Returneth!). Even though its to early to tell if the treatment is working she did say that both his total protein and M-spike were down slightly! This was good news for us to hear. She's ordering a new bone survey for two reasons, first because its been almost 6 months since the last one and second, Steve's left arm has been getting weaker.

Love, Deanna

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Day #24 of MPT Treatment

Last night at church Steve had the sniffles and this morning he woke up feeling very sick. His head is congested, his body aches and he feels nauseous. This is the first time he has caught something since he was diagnosed. Because his cancer has compromised his ability to fight infections, flu's and colds he is vulnerable to becoming very sick. Please pray for him to get well quickly and that this head cold does not turn into pneumonia.

We see the oncologist on Wednesday. This is Steve's first follow-up since starting the mpt. So include in your prayers that we will get a good report. It may be to soon to tell if the treatment is working but our God can do anything!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Thank God For Insurance

When you become a cancer patient you quickly find out the costs involved. From all the doctor's appointments, Xray's, MRI'S, Cat Scan's, Emergency Room Visits, Weekly Blood Tests, I could go on and on. And then there are all those medications. Many of the pills are to combat the side effects from the chemotherapy. From day one you start taking pills. Here are just a few of the one's Steve is currently taking.

Here is what use to be my spice and tea cabinet. It's now filled with all the medications he either doesn't need right now or had problems with (a few of mine are in there too).

And here is what $5,793.72 of thalidomide looks like. Amazing, huh? For 28 day's worth of just one pill!

The thalidomide comes in a package that folds in and over, containing all the warnings about how bad it is for unborn babies and why not to touch the pills. Just one pill can cause birth defects or even death for an unborn baby. The company even puts a picture of a baby born without her arms and legs, right on the package. In fact if we have any pills left over they have to be sent back to the company for disposal. When Steve heard about all of this he said, "Then what's it doing to my body?" You can see why we are very thankful for our medical insurance!

I have a praise report. A few days ago I blogged about Steve having very painful leg cramps that would wake him up in the middle of the night. Since our doctor's appointment on Wednesday he has not had one leg cramp! Thank you for your prayers.

Please continue to pray for Hayden, Dale, Margaret and Natalie. They are all dealing with very serious health problems. God bless and see you later.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Other then Myeloma.....

There is more going on in our lives then dealing with Myeloma so I thought I'd share a few things with you and maybe you might get to know us better. I'll try and keep it on a lighter note! I don't know about you but when I read other blogs I enjoy seeing pictures. So here are a few!

Steve is big on notes. So big that he would have notes all over the house. On the walls, counters, washer, dryer, everywhere. Notes to remind him, notes with lists, notes about notes. After we were married he started leaving me notes. I've never thown any away. I kept them all. The notes are filled with love, encouragement and humor......

I have always wanted a cookie jar. I remember the cookie jar my mom had. It was kinda round, it was white with raised images of different cookies all over and the lid had a walnut as a handle. She still has the cookie jar! I'm told it's as old as my sister Denise (47) now that's old! Here is my very first cookie jar. Got it for Mother's day from my hubbie. And look another note!

Steve and I like to ride motorcycles. But since his diagnosis we haven't been on our bikes. Steve has been pushing himself to stay busy. As he often says "I'm moving forward". He's renewed the insurance, cleaned the bikes and ordered some new boots. Here he is lowing my forks so I won't be on my tippie toes. It sure is good seeing him tinkering again:-)

I enjoy crocheting and usually when I start a project I get bored and don't finish it. Here is an afghan I started in September, stopped some time in December and just recently began working on it again. I promise it will be finished soon (as long as the slippers don't get in the way)!

As you can probably tell from my previous posts, Steve and I are christians. We love the Lord, we love reading His Word, serving at our church and attending service every Saturday night. Our faith is what keeps us going. Do we have questions? Sure. But we don't have to have all the answers in order to trust God. Are we perfect? No. But were not expected to be. We have a hope that can never be taken away. I would rather know where I'm going when I die then to live a life of uncertainty. Knowing God is in control is very reassuring.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Day #13 of MPT Treatment

Steve's peripheral neuropathy has gotten worse with the new treatment. It's one of the most common problems with chemotherapy and unfortunately he has had it from the beginning. But now it's in his feet, hands, arms and shoulders. Also in the last three days new symptoms have appeared. He's experiencing muscle cramps. He gets leg cramps in the middle of the night and they are so bad he wakes up screaming in pain. And during the day he has cramps in his hands, sides and one time in his jaw. Ouch! The other problem is more serious. When he gets up from a seating position he experiences shortness of breath and feels faint. After a few seconds it goes away. This happens everyday.

We saw the the nurse practitioner today. She tested his oxygen levels and found that when he is sitting he was at a 96 but after he got up and walked around it dropped down to 93. Her first thought was a possible blood clot but after finding out Steve is taking a blood thinner she changed her mind. Apparently there is no cause to worry if the numbers stay in the 90's so we will just watch to see if his symptoms get worse or if new ones appear. Prayerfully they won't.

Prayer requests:
1. That there are no serious underlying causes for these symptoms.
2. That the muscle cramps and all symtoms go away.
3. For the treatment to work.
4. Steve will begin to feel better.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Day # 3 of MPT Treatment

Hi Everyone! Steve started his treatment on Friday morning. It was very uneventful. It was like taking your morning vitamins. Get a glass of water, count your pills and swallow. The only difference was we prayed before he took his pills. I'm sure many of you would agree this the the MOST important step! Amen

The Predisonse didn't waste anytime in "speeding" up Steve's day!. He called me around 12:00 pm and told me he was feeling a little weird and very hyper! This lasted all day. The Thalidamide has the opposite effect. He takes it in the evening because it has a tendency to make you tired. He slept well and after breakfast he was ready for a nap! At least until the Prednisone kicked in. Whew! What a roller coaster tide. I'm tired just thinking about it.

He's still feeling some effects from the Zometa he received on Tuesday. The Zometa is a bone strengthener that he is scheduled to receive every month.
Gotta go the Prednisonse is calling!