Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Day #13 of MPT Treatment

Steve's peripheral neuropathy has gotten worse with the new treatment. It's one of the most common problems with chemotherapy and unfortunately he has had it from the beginning. But now it's in his feet, hands, arms and shoulders. Also in the last three days new symptoms have appeared. He's experiencing muscle cramps. He gets leg cramps in the middle of the night and they are so bad he wakes up screaming in pain. And during the day he has cramps in his hands, sides and one time in his jaw. Ouch! The other problem is more serious. When he gets up from a seating position he experiences shortness of breath and feels faint. After a few seconds it goes away. This happens everyday.

We saw the the nurse practitioner today. She tested his oxygen levels and found that when he is sitting he was at a 96 but after he got up and walked around it dropped down to 93. Her first thought was a possible blood clot but after finding out Steve is taking a blood thinner she changed her mind. Apparently there is no cause to worry if the numbers stay in the 90's so we will just watch to see if his symptoms get worse or if new ones appear. Prayerfully they won't.

Prayer requests:
1. That there are no serious underlying causes for these symptoms.
2. That the muscle cramps and all symtoms go away.
3. For the treatment to work.
4. Steve will begin to feel better.

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