Monday, May 20, 2013

May-Double Doctors

Hello Everyone,

This month Steve sees both oncologists...well not exactly both. When he showed up at UCLA he was told he would be seen by the nurse practitioner. Kind of odd since the doctor said he would only see him one more time. He (Dr. S.) doesn't feel that he needs to continue with anymore follow-ups. Oh well.....we'll see.

Dr. S. wants Steve to stop his Revlimid. He is concerned with secondary cancers. The local oncologist told Steve at his last visit it was up to him on whether he should continue. The most common secondary cancer is squamous cell skin cancer. Which according to her is not that bad as long as he sees a dermatologist twice a year so we can keep in eye on things.

But when Steve mentioned this to the nurse last week....she said "oh no"....I am taking you off the Revlimid! UCLA only keeps patients on it for 2 years.........but the funny thing is all the prescriptions have been written by the local oncologist! So much for her taking him off! Hah!

I know I am making light of all of this....but when you are at a crossroad like just seems so overwhelming! Continue with the Revlimid or stop? If he stops all might continue as usual and he might even feel better. No more cramps, no more fatigue....etc. But will the myeloma come back?
Keep us in prayer as we decide what to do.

As always prayer for Julie, Stephanie, Natalie, Tim, Matt and Rosemary!