Wednesday, April 7, 2010

"Things Are Moving Fast"

Steve went in this morning for the bone marrow biopsy. He had the same doctor as last time and the anaesthesiologist was wonderful. In fact Steve said all of them were wonderful. There were 5 total, just for a bone marrow biopsy! Recovery time was minimal and he felt pretty good. The first thing we did when we left the hospital was to get something to eat!

Not long after we left the hospital we got a call from the oncologists office. They said we should be hearing from UCLA and we were given a list of things we need to take with us when we go. We have to get the pathology slides from both biopsies, copies of all x-rays and scans that he has had since diagnosis and a copy of his whole chart. Luckily we live in a very modern age, all his x-rays and scans will be put on a CD. No lugging around a huge 36"X48" envelope full of x-ray film. Technology is great!

Soon after we got home I was talking to Francisco at UCLA. He did the registration over the phone and set up the appointment for next Wednesday at 1:00 pm. After I hung up the phone I looked over at Steve and told him when the appointment was. He said " Things are moving fast". "Too Fast". And he's right things are moving fast. But I reminded him why the doctor wants all of this done quickly. After 7 months of chemotherapy and no response, the doctor has to move fast. He has to do something quickly but first he needs to figure out what that will be.

I know my post may come across as very upbeat and matter of fact but I have to tell you today was a very hard day. There were a lot of tears shed by both of us. Things are looking very scary and we are both overwhelmed. In fact today was the first day since we were given the bad news that I was able to let it out. When something this big happens in life what is the first thing you want to do? I feel like running away. Not from my husband, never! But from the situation. I wish it wasn't happening. But there are just some things in life that you can't get away from. You have to go forward. You have to!

My Pastor stopped by my office this afternoon. After updating him and sharing with him my heartache, my wonderful Pastor quoted Psalm 23:4; "Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for You are with me; Your Rod and Your staff, they comfort me". He was wise to remind me of this scripture. It's speaks of our circumstance and most importantly points me to the Lord and his promises to us.

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