Monday, March 22, 2010

Treatment #2

Since Steve was allergic to the Revlimid he started on a new chemotherapy in October. It was a combination of Velcade, Doxil and Dexamethasone. The chemo is administered via i.v. on set days within a 21 day cycle for a period of 12 weeks. He would receive Velcade on days 1, 4, 8 and 11 and he would get Doxil on day 4. The Dexamethasone was given on all 4 days. Days 12 to 21 were “rest” days. He was to get Zometa (a bone strengthener) once a month.

The first 5 weeks went well, but soon after the side effects began. He experienced neuropathy (burning and tingling) in his hands and feet, weight loss, multiple skin problems, swallowing problems, fevers, muscle weakness and pain that traveled all over his body.

He took to staying in the recliner all day, getting up only to go to the bathroom. In mid December he contracted a C-difficile infection that wiped him out completely.

He did not complete the last cycle of chemo and was unable to have the final dose of Doxil. On New Year’s Eve he had an episode of Superventricular Tachycardia. At this point his treatments were stopped. Since Doxil can be dangerous for the heart Steve had to see a cardiologist before we could move forward with any other chemotherapy.

The oncologist also ordered a new metastatic bone survey (fancy name for a full body x-ray) and a new blood test. Fortunately he didn’t have to have another bone marrow biopsy.

With everything we had been through it was disappointing to find out that his M-spike was the same. The cancer had not decreased but on the bright side it was not any worse and his bones looked the same as in September. The cardiologist gave him a good report and said there was no underlying cause that he could see that caused the tachycardia.

So onto Chemotherapy #3

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