Sunday, December 5, 2010

Day +11 Good News

Around here transplant day is considered a patients new "Birthday". In fact they gave us a cake to help celebrate the new day. Unfortunately neither one of us felt like eating it. The day I've been anxiously waiting for was today. Today's blood counts brought definitive proof that his stem cells have grafted and are doing their job, creating new blood! I am so relieved. It's not that I felt the transplant wouldn't work. I just needed to see tangible evidence that it did. He still has a long way to go before he is fully recovered.

His ANC and white blood cell counts increased dramatically from Saturday to Sunday. The WBC went from .83 to 2.55 and the ANC went from 0.4 to 1.7! He is no longer neutropenic and that means he could have gone home except for what happened on Friday, and his lack of eating.

On Friday night Steve experienced a new problem, Supraventricular Tachycardia. Well not new. If you have been following the blog since the beginning then you know that this happened once before on New Year's Eve of this year. They ruled out heart attack, pulmonary embolism, fever, etc. after they gave him a drug called metoprolol which regulated his heart rate. He's now receiving it twice a day to ensure his heart rate continues to be stable. He's still on the heart monitor and he'll need to have a few more tests to make sure his heart is okay. So now to eating. He's eager to get home and feels that he'll do better over all if he's at home and he can eat the food he likes. I would like to see him prove he can eat and eat enough before he goes home. Please pray that we will be of one mind on this. I feel we both need to be ready and not be anxious to do anything until the time is right. And most importantly I want to honor my husband's desires and not let fear get in the way.

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