Thursday, September 9, 2010

Stem Cell Transplant

Yesterday we learned that Steve's best chance at a longer, healthier life will be to have stem cell transplant. Before they begin he has to have a myriad of tests to determine if his body can handle the transplant. The most important test will be the bone marrow biopsy. They want to make sure the current treatment has not damaged his stem cells. We knew this was a possibility but we had no other choice. (If you are interested in reading more about an autologous stem cell transplant click here.)

All the tests will be scheduled in the next two weeks. Once they are complete and everything looks good UCLA will contact the insurance company for authorization. So we are looking at starting the procedure in early October. I plan on taking a leave of absence from work so I can focus on him and his recovery. There is a lot we have to talk about and decide upon. Steve could be in th hospital I want to stay with him as much as possible.

Please pray for the following;
-Steve's stem cells are not damaged from the current treatment and all of his tests come back in his favor
-Steve will respond well to the transplant with limited side effects
-Our time at UCLA will be minimal
-For both of us to be prepared for what lies ahead, emotionally, spiritually, physically and mentally
-The Lord's provision and wisdom during the time I will be off work
-The Lord to help me manage our home and all that entails during Steve's transplant and recovery
-Protection over our home
-Strength for our marriage
-And most importantly we would glorify the Lord, always trusting in his perfect plan.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Steve and Deanna!
    It was a pleasure meeting you at UCLA yesterday. The Cytoxin knocked me out pretty good.

    Hope you two are well. I am looking forward to crossing paths with you again on our stem cell journeys.

